Are You Welcome?

All Christians are welcome at the communion table (where you may also stand or kneel). We use real wine, because that's what Jesus used, but if you do not wish to receive the wine, please cross your hands over your chest as the chalice goes by. If you need gluten-free bread, say so and you will be given a gluten-free wafer.

The more you worship, the more comfortable it becomes. Today's churches are part of one great universal Church, whose fellow members come from all nations and from every one of the past two thousand years. While we can't see them, these members of the whole church join in our worship with us, as do angels and archangels and all the company of heaven.

Worship Volunteers

Children as worship volunteers

Every child is a part of the worshipping family of St. Bartholomew, from birth onward. Some children choose to take that participation a step further and serve at the altar during worship. Children carry the cross and the torches in the procession to the altar at the start of the service. They are part of the preparation for communion. Others with especially good reading skills can be called upon to read lessons from the Bible and lead prayers as well. In addition to offering an important service to the St. Bartholomew’s family, stepping up to serve can be a meaningful milestone in a young person’s spiritual journey.

Interested children are encouraged to contact the church office.