Worship at St. Bart's extends beyond the Sunday morning. Seasonal services acknowledge important points in the church calendar, and special services recognize rites of passage in our lives.

The Episcopal Church offers a liturgy for almost every occasion. We mark significant life transitions by turning to God in prayer and worship. Many of these special occasions are sacraments in our Church. You need not be an Episcopalian to request these sacraments at St. Bart's, although the preparation and liturgy will be distinct to our faith tradition. Contact our priest Fater Joel if you'd like to learn more.

  • will you marry us? can we have our wedding in  your church?

    Congratulations! We'd be delighted to perform a marriage ceremony for you.  At St. Bart's we offer the Celebrating and Blessing of Marriage for practicing Christians who desire to have a Christian marriage. If you're members of different Christian traditions, that isn’t a problem. The process at St. Bart’s begins by meeting with our priest Father Joel and will include one session with a local Christian counselor, Financial Peace University, and four sessions with Father Joel. Why? We want to help you deal with the big stuff first: yourselves and your families, finances and bringing God into your marriage. Because the Wedding is one day. Your Marriage is a lifetime. And we want it to be great!

  • Will you baptize my CHILD?

    YES! We LOVE Baptisms at St. Bart's! Prep? All we ask is that you're willing to honestly answer the questions asked of parents and sponsors (god-parents)  in the Episcopal baptism liturgy. The priest will ask if you intend to bring up your child in the Christian faith and life, and if you are willing to turn to Jesus Christ and accept him as your Savior. If you're answer is Yes...both as a parent yourself and on behalf of your young child...we will gladly offer baptism. This opportunity is equally open to older children who can speak for themselves, and for adults of any age.

  • Will you do our funeral?

    It is our honor as Christians to offer a Funeral for anyone who asks, whether they were a lifelong Episcopalian or a not a person of faith. The reason is simple: funerals are for the living, many of whom may wish to express their faith through a commemoration of the life of a loved one. The Episcopal burial office is inspiring and comforting. Compensation for the clergy and expenses is never required, however gifts are appreciated and go back into assisting those in need and our congregation.

  • for more information, contact us

    For more information on these or any other topics, contact the church office at 262-691-0836 or email